- Retailers in Powell River
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- Diving Equipment
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- Jewellery & Eyewear Retail
- Large Appliances
- Locally-made Goods
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- Second-hand Goods
- Shoe Retail & Repair
- Smoke Shops
- Sporting Goods & Gear
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- Tools & Machinery
Automotive/Industrial parts supply. Motor vehicle Inspection Facility. Kal Tire Associated Dealer. Automotive, Industrial & Marine parts. Welding supplies. Recreational Vehicle parts. Heavy Duty parts. More info*** Moved to new location June 2016 *** Auto, Engine & Marine Serving Powell River for over 30 years, Quality Parts is dedicated to offering you competitive prices accompanied with friendly service. From More infoTBAWe offer many services including: - Tires (new and used) - Custom Wheels - Full Automotive Service View full profileCity Motors (1981) Ltd: Automotive Services in Powell River City Motors (1981) Ltd was purchased by Bert and Margaret MacLean over 30 years ago, and has remained a family run business throughout our More infoTHE LARGEST DISTRIBUTOR & RETAILER OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA With over 100 stores throughout the province, Lordco is your best bet for fast, reliable, helpful and knowledgeable advice. We pride More infoNAPA Auto Parts Powell River is proud to be Locally Owned and Operated. You aren't just our customers you're our neighbours. Parts, tools, and supplies for the automotive/transportation industry. More info