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Farm-raised local meat, eggs, and produce. We grow and produce a wide range of healthful vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, canned goods and baking in our licensed, commercial processing facility and kitchen. All our livestock More infoPowell River's local butcher and deli, "where good friends meat". Local and exotic meat & cheese, full-service deli and lots of frozen goods pre-packaged in-house. Also features fast hot lunches and made-to-order sandwiches More infoThe Cottage creek itself actually flows through our 13 acres of property. The bake shop is named after this natural bubbling oversized brook as this is how the bakery itself flows. Just like More infoOpen April—September (Saturdays 10:30-12:30, Sunday 12:30-2:30) The Powell River Open Air Farmers’ Market supports local farmers, bakers and artisans by providing an exciting, friendly space to offer their products for sale. Farm Fresh More infoPowell River Living Magazine reflects the Powell River lifestyle, with a focus on people, activities and events View full profileTBAThe art of natural body care, using quality ingredients and 100% essential oils. Products Available in Powell View full profileEvery life on this farm is treated with dignity and respect. We don't eat factory farm raised meat because of their use of hormones & antibiotics and because of their inhumane treatment of More infoThe Pearl supports published authors in Powell River, a book-crazy town, with book-bombings, publication of a newsletter and journal, and hosting of competitions and community activities related to...our beloved BOOKS!. There are four kinds More infoTBAUrban Earth Teas offers organic, loose leaf teas that contain no artificial additives – just fresh, high View full profile
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