- Retailers in Powell River
- Art & Craft Supplies
- Art Retail
- Bookstores
- Clothing & Textiles Retail
- Computers & Electronics
- Department Stores
- Diving Equipment
- Florists
- Furniture
- Garden & Pet Retail
- Gifts & Knickknacks
- Home Decor & Household Goods
- Imported Goods
- Jewellery & Eyewear Retail
- Large Appliances
- Locally-made Goods
- Miscellaneous Merchandise
- Music Retail
- Second-hand Goods
- Shoe Retail & Repair
- Smoke Shops
- Sporting Goods & Gear
- Stationery
- Tools & Machinery
DESTINATION FOR HEALING, LEARNING OR VACATION You are WELCOME to come and EXPERIENCE the paradise of life living in harmony with nature and animals. LEARN how to DO many things to maintain HEALTHY More infoAt whimsy teepee I love making beautiful, stylish, creative play spaces. All my teepees are hand crafted with love and attention to detail. More infoYour Dollar Store With More offers great products at low prices such as birthday cards, home decor, and candles. Locally owned and operated by Eve Camenzind. More info