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Visit us at our Powell River location and experience the only show room in town that offers hands on demonstrations of heat pumps, gas furnaces, ductless splits, on-demand hot water, and fireplaces. Our More infoLicensed Heating and Ventilation in Powell River Licensed, Bonded and Insured for Your Heating and Ventilation Needs Be assured that your family is warm and breathing clean air when you depend on J More infoHVAC, heating, ventilation, air conditioning. Furnace installations and repair. Small appliance repair More infoTarget Installations: Powell River’s Largest Plumbing & Gas Company Over 100 Years of Combined Experience When it comes to plumbing, gas installations, fire protection, water tanks, and furnaces, Target Installations is Powell River’s More infoYour Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning specialists. Are you looking for a reliable and experienced Powell River, BC, HVAC contractor? Stop your search when you find the professional team at Tempco Heating & More info