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Specializing in the establishment and sustainability of organic gardens for your home or business. More infoRetreat into in a serene, garden environment. Escape from the city! Come wind down on BC's famous Sunshine Coast. You are the only guests in these great cottages, tucked away in a small More infoWe are a proud Canadian company that knows life in Canada better than anyone else. We offer products and services that help Canadians live active, healthy lives and our store network and staff connect communities from More infoMother Nature was established in 1982 as a farm, pet & garden shop. In 1991, Ron Pfister became the new owner and has since expanded to carry premium garden, home and pet supplies. More infoGarden Sitting Going out of town? Want a thriving garden when you get home? Leave your garden in good hands, and rest assured that you can travel and have a productive garden all More info