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Road building, land clearing, drilling & blasting, excavating, brush cutting, dust control, water truck More infoJoe Huetzelmann & Company, Powell River’s Source for Expert Remodels A Sub-Trade Contractor Specializing in Remodelling Specializing in construction and remodelling, Joe Huetzelmann & Company Ltd. supplies and installs products to the exteriors More infoPowell River’s Excavating Experts Hire Rivercity Mini Excavating’s contractors for all your excavating, trenching, landscaping, and lot clearing needs. Since 2004 our expert team has served the commercial and residential properties of the Powell River More infoShaun Gloslee Excavating Ltd. was established in 2008. SGE provides a wide range of services from landscaping and driveways to drilling, blasting and building logging roads, to commercial and Industrial projects of any More info