- Retailers in Powell River
- Art & Craft Supplies
- Art Retail
- Bookstores
- Clothing & Textiles Retail
- Computers & Electronics
- Department Stores
- Diving Equipment
- Florists
- Furniture
- Garden & Pet Retail
- Gifts & Knickknacks
- Home Decor & Household Goods
- Imported Goods
- Jewellery & Eyewear Retail
- Large Appliances
- Locally-made Goods
- Miscellaneous Merchandise
- Music Retail
- Second-hand Goods
- Shoe Retail & Repair
- Smoke Shops
- Sporting Goods & Gear
- Stationery
- Tools & Machinery
Renovation Specialist Services Provided Bathrooms, Kitchens, tiler, plumbing, carpentry framing to finishing, drywall, painting, minor electrical, metal roofs, decks, landscaping (more info at http://www.houzz.com/pro/les-magura/les-magura-renovations) More infoProfessional painting - residential/commercial. Professional drywall, all finishes. Construction management. All types of restorations and renovations. More info