- Retailers in Powell River
- Art & Craft Supplies
- Art Retail
- Bookstores
- Clothing & Textiles Retail
- Computers & Electronics
- Department Stores
- Diving Equipment
- Florists
- Furniture
- Garden & Pet Retail
- Gifts & Knickknacks
- Home Decor & Household Goods
- Imported Goods
- Jewellery & Eyewear Retail
- Large Appliances
- Locally-made Goods
- Miscellaneous Merchandise
- Music Retail
- Second-hand Goods
- Shoe Retail & Repair
- Smoke Shops
- Sporting Goods & Gear
- Stationery
- Tools & Machinery
Mobile welding and repair. Structural Industrial and Marine. CWB Certified Coastal Custom Fabrication is now offering Mobile Welding Services ON THE WATER. Serving Powell river and surrounding remote communities. New on site fabrication More infoPowell River Equipment Rentals – supplying the equipment and tools you need, when you need it! A long history of customer service excellence and quality products are what our customers have come to expect More info