- Retailers in Powell River
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- Computers & Electronics
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- Diving Equipment
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- Jewellery & Eyewear Retail
- Large Appliances
- Locally-made Goods
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- Music Retail
- Second-hand Goods
- Shoe Retail & Repair
- Smoke Shops
- Sporting Goods & Gear
- Stationery
- Tools & Machinery
Operated by the BC Liquor Distribution Branch. BC Liquor Stores is committed to providing our customers with an enhanced shopping environment, increased product selection and a high level of service. Wine, beer, spirits, More infoKelly’s Health Shop is a well-established retail health food store serving the Powell River community 40+ years. Kelly’s offers a large selection of quality supplements and alternative medicines for multiple health care needs. Discounts More infoPowell River's award-winning craft brewery. Now pouring at pubs and restaurants on BC's Sunshine Coast from Langdale to Lund. We are also available at stores along the coast and in select Vancouver and More info