Our club’s mission is to promote safety, co-operation and good sportsmanship among those engaged in the fishing, hunting and shooting sports; and to protect, preserve and enhance our natural environment for the use and enjoyment of all. Club Activities
The Powell River Rod and Gun Club includes Shooting Sports, Fishing and Archery. Meetings
General meetings of club members are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the clubhouse at 3300 Rifle Range Road. (No meetings are held during the months of July and August.)
ABOUT US The Powell River Aquatic Club is a summer competitive swim team of BCSSA offering high quality professional coaching and instruction for all ages and abilities in a FUN and SUPPORTIVE enviornment. More info
The Powell River Climbing Co-op is a grass roots, not for profit community cooperative gym. We are currently fundraising and nearing construction. About the Co-Op and the Indoor Climbing Gym Imagine this: a place More info
The club conducts activities such as: 1)Conducting races and club cruises 2)Purchasing boating related equipment and making it available to club members 3)Organizing social events 4)Other activities related to and in support of the More info