Incorporated and a non-profit society in 1984, PREP acts as an umbrella organization providing administration for a wide range of community-based services and programs, such as employment, mental health, literacy, community resource, and parenting support programs.
Community Resource Centre
The Powell River Community Resource Centre is a central location offering community programs and resources for all community members.
Programs include the Demonstration Garden, gardening and cooking workshops, the Harmony Cafe drop-in, computer access, volunteer opportunities, and monthly art exhibits. More Info
Powell River Family Place
Powell River Family Place / Resource Program welcomes all families with young children. It is a child-friendly, comfortable and safe place where families with young children can: meet and make new friends, gain a sense of community, and find on-going support and assistance to raise happy, healthy children…More Info
Career Link
Career Link assists job seekers and employers to achieve employment goals. The agency works with community partners to respond to emerging needs and opportunities with creativity and professionalism…
Food Security Project
The Food Security Project (FSP) works to strengthen the capacity of the regional food system and increase food security for community members.…
Literacy Outreach
The Literacy Outreach Coordinator (LOC) is supported by provincial funding, and is mandated to help increase local awareness of the importance of literacy, and literacy issues…
Powell River Literacy Council
Community Adult Literacy & Learning is a one-on-one tutoring program for adults in Powell River. We match learners and volunteer tutors so that they can upgrade their skills in basic reading, writing, spelling, math or computers. All our services are free and confidential… More Info
Powell River Diversity Initiative
The Powell River Diversity Initiative creates, sponsors, and promotes diversity-related projects and programs that increase awareness of diversity, provide diversity education and foster an inclusive and safe community. A community steering committee guides PRDI… More Info
Sunshine Coast Treatment Services
Sunshine Coast Treatment Services has been providing individual physician-directed methadone treatment services in Powell River since 2002. The program works in partnership with a certified physician, Vancouver Coastal Health - Public Health, and Ministry of Housing and Social Development… More Info
BOND (Babies Open New Doors)
BOND is a Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program that promotes positive lifestyle choices for pregnant women in the Powell River area who have identified lifestyle risk factors…
Powell River Immigrant Services
Powell River Immigrant Services provides free services and programs, including ESL tutoring, community connections, information, and help accessing other services…
Young Adult Community Kitchen (YACK)
YACK is a FREE drop-in cooking group in Powell River, where young people (17-25 years old) can cook, eat, learn about food and meet people. No need to register, just come by and join a friendly group of people who like to cook and eat!… More Info
Related Listings
Providing food hampers to those who need them, in the Powell River area. Hours are every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10 am to 2 pm. Now open every week! How to find More infoThe BC SPCA Powell River & District Branch helps hundreds of animals find new homes each year. We appreciate all of your support, and for making the BC SPCA your first adoption option! More infoAn excellent website resource created by Powell River Community Services Association and the Powell River & Region Transition House Society, compiling information and resources available in Powell River for families and persons in More infoAll services and programs are FREE. Immigrant Services Welcome Centre information and referral community orientation sessions and workshops crisis support assistance for vulnerable and abused temporary foreign workers assisted access to services assistance More info