Texada Arts, Culture & Tourism Society (TACT) was formed in early 2004.
The mission of Texada Arts, Culture Tourism Society (TACT) is to support, encourage, and nurture the arts, culture and tourism on Texada Island in harmony with the existing economic activities that are the mainstay of Texada Island in a manner that supports the entire island community and to develop and stimulate ways for people working in the arts, culture and tourism fields to be a strong part of Texada Island’s economic base.
TACT currently controls the Arts, Culture and Tourism Centre at 1989 Marble Bay Rd in Van Anda (the old Credit Union Building).
TACT is the umbrella organization for these main events on the island: Texada Annual Fly-In, Texada AeroSpace Camp, Run the Rock Marathon + ½ Marathon + 8k Run, Studio Art Tour, Kids Saving Earth and hosts many smaller activities and workshops.
(for more info visit http://texada.org)