Powell River Community Forest Ltd. (PRCF) was established in 2006. We are a forest company set up by our sole shareholder: the City Of Powell River. We are a limited, for profit company and profits are returned to the community. PRCF is directed by a nine-person voluntary board of directors, blending forestry and business experience.
PRCF Objectives
- Maintain healthy and productive forest ecosystems.
- Deliver sustainable forest-management practices.
- Protect the water quality in the Haslam Lake and Lang Creek community watershed.
- Provide opportunities for local contractors, mill owners and value-added manufacturers.
- Protect key forest recreation resources.
- Achieve clear business and financial performance targets.
- Use the profits as a foundation for investment in the community.
Community Projects
It is very satisfying to see the growing number of completed projects in the community which have benefitted from funding from the Community Forest Reserve (the fund). Our 2007, 2008 and 2009 dividends, totalling $929,343, were paid into the fund and applied to the Timberlane Athletic Track and Field project. Our 2010 dividend was used to support facility uprade proposals from Powell River Curling Club, Powell River Gymnastics Club and Hap Parker Arena.
(for more info visit http://prcommunityforest.ca)
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