When do we meet?
You are welcome to join us! Our service is on Sunday Mornings at 10am. Sunday School is available for children ages 3-12 and twice a month for ages 13-16. Sunday School is held after the worship time, during the sermon. We also have a nursery available with a live feed of the service so if you have an infant that needs some Mom or Dad time you won't miss out on any of the worship, announcements, sermon or ministry time. Here at Living Water we make family a priority so we want you to know that there is a great experience waiting here for anyone from your family.
What we believe
Our beliefs in a nutshell: It's all about Jesus. He is the right answer. There have been more songs written about Him and more books written about Him than anyone else in this world. Why? Because He is real. When the Church works to demonstrate the characteristics of Jesus, it too will become tangible and life-changing.
(more info at: http://www.livingwaterpr.com)